The Terror | Teen Ink

The Terror

May 21, 2023
By DanielChavez17 BRONZE, San Pedro, California
DanielChavez17 BRONZE, San Pedro, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Terror

Breathing like a second-hand bicycle pump. Walking towards the front of the line. My heart is like a train pounding down the tracks. Looking up above and witnessing the monstrosity of a ride. The voices around me are like a blur while I contemplate running as far as I possibly can. The bright lights of the track were like warning signs to not enter. Then the sound of the roller coaster brakes snap me back to reality.

“All riders please board the coaster in a safe manner.” said the man in the blue hat through the loud speaker. 

“Come on derrick, this is gonna be fun.” said my best friend daisy.

¨I heard this ride is lame. We could just skip this one."I said with terror in my eyes,

¨WHAT? This is literally the best ride they have here. Derrick Daquavis Jones are you scared?¨ Daisy wondered

¨Me Scared? Never! I was just saying that this ride doesnt even look good.¨ I shrugged.

¨Not so fast. You're Scared. I know Your scared.the roller coaster begged me to ride it.¨ Daisy giggled

Daisy has been my best friend for 7 years. I do not want to embarrass myself in front of her. She will never let me live this down. A throwback to the third grade. I was eating lunch at the lunch table. Then fat tony made the most funny joke known to man. I immediately burst out in laughter and milk came out of my nose. To this day she still calls me milk nose. I find the courage to step up and walk towards my seat. I'm shivering with fear as I take a seat on the coaster. My best friend Daisy is next to me having the time of her life. She hasn't been able to wipe that grin off her face since we got in line. With the goosebumps on my arms I honestly did not know how this was gonna go. As the ride operator came to buckle in our seatbelts. He took a glance at me.

¨Your in for a crazy ride kid.¨ The ride operator chuckled.

¨Oh come on Derrick. This is gonna be over before you know it.¨ Daisy reassured me.

¨Sir, How often does somebody throw up on this ride.¨ I asked the operator

¨Oh three people on the last ride threw up all over the seats. It's quite common for at least one person to throw up on every ride." said the operator

¨WHAT? Alright! Alright! Let's get this started before I change my mind.¨ I exclaimed.

While sitting in my seat I can feel the breathing of the coaster. The track rumbling as it begins to move. The instant regret on my face really showed. The power felt from the ride left me to feel helpless. As we are cruising up to the top. Looking to my right and left I see the beautiful scenery all around. I've never been up so high in my life. I saw the birds and clouds. The roller coaster shook me around like a giant.

¨OKAY! OKAY! I want off! HELP!¨  

¨Oh Stop it derrick. This is awesome. It's so beautiful up here.¨

Help! Help! This ride sucks! Help! I don't want to be here anymore.¨

As we reached the top of the ride my soul left my body. At the top the ride pauses for 10 seconds to let the riders fear for their lives.  Looking down at the track I was so scared.

The author's comments:

Hi, My name is Daniel Chavez. I am a senior at Port of Los Angeles High School. This was a writing assignment from my creative writing teacher. I wanted to share this personal experience with whoever is willing to read.

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