Sweet Sixteen | Teen Ink

Sweet Sixteen

January 17, 2023
By MasonTrav GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
MasonTrav GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As of January 17, 2023, my favorite age has been 16. Although it has its ups and downs, it is still a fun age. School gets more challenging and becomes more stressful, but getting a license, hanging out with friends, having more freedom, going to school sporting events, and summertime makes everything worth it.

Freedom. By the age of 16, many people have more freedom than ever before. Finally, get your license, not have to rely on rides everywhere, and drive yourself to school or work. I tell my parents, “I’m leaving, I’ll be home before midnight,” then my dad reminds me “watch for deer and drive safe, your car is like a weapon.” I understand the dangers of driving because something bad could happen very quickly, but many people don’t understand those dangers making their driving unsafe. Freedom, fairness, faithful. With this new freedom comes fairness, because parents need to treat their kids fairly and understand the consequences of taking advantage of their freedom. 

Social. By the age of 16, there are more opportunities to be social in many different ways. Sporting events, parties, and classes are all ways 16-year-olds socialize more. But phones have made socializing more difficult because people have become so dependent on them in public situations. Why have teens become so dependent on checking their phones to avoid socializing? I know from personal experience that it is easy to not want to talk to someone, avoid eye contact, and look down at your phone to look busy. Phones don’t help with our socialization (despite our attachment to them) and going to more high school social events make people become more social.

Excitement. By the age of 16, summer is one big movie and everyone is playing their part. Not having to worry about school is the best part of the summer, especially when you are 16. Being tan, having nothing to stress about, staying out late, going to the lake, nothing else matters more than what you are doing at the moment. The feeling like life could not get any better than it is at that exact moment at the age of 16. The excitement of looking to the future, starting to look at colleges or after-high school careers. With the future comes stress, but having something to look forward to gives young people hope and excitement.

In conclusion, my favorite age has been 16 in multiple ways. You are not a little kid being bossed around by your parents, but you don’t have the responsibilities of being an adult. Getting to be treated like an adult without having the stress of an adult. Life may have is stress, but it’s an overall fun age: sweet sixteen.

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