Dream Career | Teen Ink

Dream Career

December 12, 2022
By Anonymous

Ever since middle school,  a part of me always knew I was meant to be working in the kitchen. Since I loved watching Food Network in my free time, watching family members in the kitchen, and most importantly trying all the delicious dishes and treats.  Little did I know a few years later I’d be a few steps closer to achieving my dream by the end of my senior year!

Looking back my favorite tv show was Cupcake Wars because I loved watching the butter and sugar being mixed together and watching it later being transformed into cupcakes before my eyes. It amazed me how just a few ingredients could make such a delicious and complicated dessert. The other show I enjoyed watching was America’s Worst Cooks because not only was it fun watching contestants make mistakes in the kitchen it also gave me a chance to hang out with my sister. Still, today whenever Cupcake Wars or America’s Worst Cooks comes on my sister and I always watch it together. 

But the one person I love sharing my baked goods with is my grandma because she loves to cook and brings others joy with her food. I love that I can always call her with questions about cooking or baking and she always has the perfect answer. Reflecting back as a senior my favorite cooking memory was with my grandma in the kitchen. That day she taught me how to make her famous monster chocolate chip cookies they are massive and contain chocolate chips and pecans.  Since then I’m the only person she told the recipe to and I feel honored.  That day she also taught me how to cream the butter and sugar together by hand which was new to me. But I was amazed again seeing the butter and sugar turn light and airy and then into delicious cookies. 

The last reason I want to become a baker was I wanted to be more confident in myself, and baking in the kitchen made me question myself less. Which has transferred me outside of the classroom since it helped me feel more comfortable meeting new people and talking to them which has been helpful since starting at WCTC. But  I also like that whenever I’m in the kitchen I feel more in control since I’m familiar with measuring the ingredients, checking for doneness, and making new recipes. 

After being interested in food since middle school, starting baking during Covid, and taking cooking classes in high school it made me more sure about wanting to become a baker. Now being a senior and taking baking and pastry classes at WCTC I feel closer to achieving my dream of becoming a baker since I’ll be getting my baking and pastry diploma as well as my high school diploma later this year. This is crazy since just a few years ago I just started to bake during Covid, and now I’m baking in class four times a week and baking in my free time. 

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