More than a means of communication | Teen Ink

More than a means of communication

October 19, 2022
By AdrikRuch SILVER, Temperance, Michigan
AdrikRuch SILVER, Temperance, Michigan
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As it comes alive, shaking and twitching in my pocket making me aware of its existence I sit onto the couch. I reach into my pocket to take out my phone, a notification has popped up, from snapchat. I got a text; but before I go to answer it I accidentally scroll over to see my snapchat memories, my memories! What feels like years pass as I burn my eyes staring at my phone while looking at all the moments I have taken pictures of, friends, family, what feels like the very core of my life.
As I am laying across the soft gray couch I continue to scroll my phone and waste time reliving old memories. As the sun starts to run away out of view I start to feel tired, I wrap myself into a fuzzy blanket as I pop the earbuds tight into my ears  further blocking myself far from the outside world. The music blasts into my ears, as my eardrums have a party I start to drift off. I start to feel more calm and dazed, more relaxed perhaps listening to the music that's shaking the insides of my ears. Some would be put off by the loudness of the music and how it blares into my ears and seeps into my brain as I drift into another world. It just helps me concentrate on what I need to do or in this case sleep but nonetheless helps.
As the warm fabric of the blanket was wrapped around me and stuck to my body further sinking me into the couch, my body flung up. My eyes peered down to my phone as the earbuds reawakened in my ears and I could once hear them again; I watched the time on my phone change. I saw the last number die as a new one was formed.  20 minutes was all I had to get ready and out the door. Once I was ready and had my bag packed I rushed out the door. My body danced into the morning fog as it trapped me and pulled farther from the bus stop but luckily I made it to the bus in time. My legs carried me as I anxiously got onto the bus before it went again and started singing with its deep muffled hum. My body felt a bit warm and made flustered as I was taken to school. I ended up texting my mom, the one person who can always make me feel better. She told me everything would be all right and to not let one bad moment in my day set the rest of it, her words and knowing who they came from made me cool down and feel much more tempered. The bus suddenly shaked to a stop as we pulled into the parking lot. I realized that my day would be ok and that I had nothing to worry about. I knew though that my mom was right and that I needed to trust her. I knew she cared very deeply for me as not many people would probably be up in the morning texting someone and wasting sleep.

 Shoes falling into the concrete with every step as the legs in them were stiff from a narrow bus seat, arms rolled back as the book bag behind it pulled them forward, the head on top bobbing as music flowed into it as the legs carried them all forward with a mind of its own as they slowly strolled into the school. A hand reached into the pocket below it as the other was pulling the earbuds from the head above. The hands started to push the letters on  the phone as the head was ordering them of what to say. They were typing into a group chat as the the person that these body parts wanted to go somewhere after practice with friends to fill the stomach in between and try and please it. The eyes were running back and forth as the person was gazing into the screen wondering why almost everyone was not looking at the message as if they were the last person alive, where they were the last of mankind? Maybe it was just that everyone else has not gotten onto their phones yet, maybe their stomachs were just not ready to think of what would be the inevitable of later, what would make them shake and tremble if not completed. In mere seconds responses flooded like a tsunami into the glowing box that the arms were holding as its weight was more than physical. The person grinned with a smile that stretched from side to side with Eyes full of  joy. It was me, I was full of joy looking ahead to the rest of the day.

 The smell of fries lingered in the air as I bit into a cheeseburger and ketchup flowed out as if the burger was bleeding. The feeling of happiness  whipped over me as I gave into the desires of my stomach and conversed with the people around me but something was missing, people to be more exact. Not everyone was able to go as they never gave into their phone and read it, they were never able to sit on the smooth plastic seat as the room filled with noise as people talked and talked and talked and talked. They missed the taste of food filled with grease and soft meat that would make your stomach hurt and shake. They got to miss the people of the restaurant that dropped stuff everywhere as they put there food into the trash making there left over ketchup splat onto the floor like a murder scene, the dirty bathrooms with trash all over and boogers on the walls. Maybe they didn't miss anything, maybe they benefited by not checking their phone. But not me, I benefited by going on my phone, by planning to hang out with my friends. Maybe my phone doesn't seem so important but to me it's everything, I use it for everything. It carries all the memories I have ever taken a picture of and will take a picture of, the access to text people, the ability to listen to music and maybe calm myself down. I use it for just about everything and I record so many important things on there so to me it is just about the most important thing I could ever carry on me.

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