Essay Contest: Passing the Torch | Teen Ink

Essay Contest: Passing the Torch

October 3, 2022
By Anonymous

A new year of marching band. That means that there are new leaders, New members, and new music with drills to learn. I walk into the front doors of the north campus now as a Junior at Arrowhead and take a left down the second hallway to get to the band room. Already I can hear the loud noise of everyone playing randomly. I open the doors and am greeted by the usual members and friends I recognize excited for another new year. 

“Hey, Owen, I was thinking with me being a leader and us being older members we should try to be friends with some of the freshmen and sophomores like Zach,” says Austin.

I reply, “ I never really thought about that but yeah we should totally try to make friends with some”. I thought about how Zach even though we were younger still became friends with us and I feel we should do the same. 

After our brief conversation we were cut off by our Band director Mr. P and our new co director Mr. Miesel. After the usual introductions and welcoming to the marching band we were given our new music with the theme of pops greatest bops. After going through the music indoors we were handed our drills and were told to be at the field in five minutes. I used this as an opportunity to meet new members of the marching band. I met a trumpet player named Parker but we only really introduced each other but then I met Carson, a freshmen trombone player. We were walking down to the football field when I introduced myself, 

“You must be a new member, my name is Owen and I'm a junior, how about you,” I said as I reached out my hand to shake his. 

“I’m Carson and a freshman this year,” He responded. After this we started to talk while we walked down to the field about stuff I don’t remember. It was just whatever was in my head at the time. Since then we have talked at every practice and game we are at and have become good friends with me and other friends I have in the band. Hopefully he will pass the torch. 

The author's comments:

This is a submission for the Teens Making a Difference essay contest

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