The Invasion | Teen Ink

The Invasion

June 1, 2022
By gianmarcosuero BRONZE, Santo Domingo, Other
gianmarcosuero BRONZE, Santo Domingo, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There was this 10 years old kid, who was really really into conspiracy theories, UFOs and aliens stuff. He really liked them a lot, he was even a believer of other life in the universe, he always told his friends about it, and all of them would just laugh at it and joke about it. Usually he would watch Youtube videos, about a lot of stuff, video games, movies, sports and most importantly conspiracy theories about everything in general.  

This could be government stuff, the elites of the world, symbolism in movies, music, art etc... But what entertained him the most, and what had such an impact in his life was aliens. For some reason he was amazed at the possibility of other intelligent life, outside this planet, outside this solar system, or even the galaxy could come and visit us, it either could be in a harmful way, or a very pacific way, both of them really terrified him. 

A couple years ago, around January, he saw this video of some type of alien message to the human race. This message came from a plane’s black box. The topic of the video was about this plane that crashed recently, and the black box had some recordings in morse code and some kind of message warning humanity about an alien rapture. One in particular was going to take place on April 2 of that year, this big politician who is recognized in the whole world was going to be abducted by aliens who were coming to the planet Earth to be a new home of a new race, all of us being completely doomed. 

When the little kid first listened to this he was completely terrified, petrified, amazed and  scared all at the same time. Being completely in shambles he started crying and breathing heavily for days. He just couldn’t get it out of his mind, he couldn’t. He was frozen with fear.  

Hours, days, weeks and even months went by and the only thing he thought about was that rapture. There was a point where he accepted his fate and only that, he went completely numb. He didn’t care about a single thing in his life except that single thing that in his head had such a big impact... Just imagine that, being enslaved by aliens! In his head he was thinking nonstop about things like ,“Man I'm only 10, and my life is already over, everything” or ,“My family is going to be enslaved and abused by aliens'' He even had some positive thoughts ,“Maybe they are friendly right?” But 99% of the time he only thought about death and destruction.    

The rapture being days ahead of him, he didn’t have no more feelings in his life, he was numb, everything that he did or his family or friends, was shattered by the thought that just in a matter of time, before all humanity would be changed for the rest of history, and he and his family were going to be victims of it.  

The day before, April 1, he was just accepting his fate, he was dead inside, with any feelings, that night he didn’t even say goodnight to his family. Little kid with big dreams and life ahead being destroyed by an alien domination was the thing he thought all night. 

The day came, and he was ready. But something was off... Where were the aliens at?! He then knew, this whole 4 months of his life,  he was scammed there he knew, and he knew he had just been joked on. But at his age he didn’t even get mad at the fact he wasted 4 months of his life and almost went into depression for it. He was just thankful that no alien was about to ruin his life, for now...  

The author's comments:

Please dont make fun of it, it was 5 years ago. 

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