Sacramento,My home | Teen Ink

Sacramento,My home

December 17, 2021
By SIUUUUUUUUUUU BRONZE, Sacramento, California
SIUUUUUUUUUUU BRONZE, Sacramento, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sacramento is a place in California and is the capital of the state to other people it is just that but if tourists came here it would be different. They would mostly go to old Sacramento for the landmark of the pyramid here.Also they would go here for the people and interaction but mostly what videos show off and would only go to old sacramento.

My Sacramento is quiet I live in a small neighborhood that no violence or people being crazy.If a tourist lived here they would like it, very quiet for them to live and low money paid to live there and it's the capital of the biggest state in usa.For me i have no problem with my neighborhood i would want other family members to live here with me because quiet and good places and stores.

Issues that we have here in sac are the homeless population here and bad drivers which are some of the worst drivers in the world today.There needs to be a homeless center in my neighborhood because each day when i walk to school there's one homeless person that i see every day.The bigger issues are the trash everywhere that people don't pick up and would end up leaving it to go the ocean.

My feelings of the city are clear like the blue sky of blue of the ocean and gray as the cement on the ground.The people are quiet as me hearing a grasshopper and nothing else.The things to improve of the capital of the state,The city of trees is as when i'm walking to school i see alot of homeless people in a tent under the bridge near the titan stadium, so the improvement is to give homeless people a roof to live under.

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its about the city of sacramento california and my experience in it  

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