Covid | Teen Ink


December 2, 2021
By Anonymous

I woke up to my alarm. It was annoying and I turned it off. I slept an extra 5 minutes until I heard my mom banging on the door. 
“Kim wake up we have to go!” 
“Wait, mom.” 
I got up lazily to brush my teeth and got dressed. I checked the time, and it was 8:00 am. We got to the airport exactly 1 hour later and had to wait 3 hours to board. I fell asleep while we were on the plane, so I didn’t feel any turbulence. We arrived in Milan, and I couldn’t wait to go shopping. We had a lot of fun the first four days. Then we both started feeling sick. We had heard about coronavirus but didn’t pay much attention to it. I was coughing a lot and my throat felt sore, so my mom sent us to the hospital to get checked.  
They told us, “We have to get both of you tested because there have been many recent covid cases here and they are still multiplying.” 
Me and my mom shared a worried look and agreed. They tested us and told us we would get our answers in 24 hours. We were up worried and anxious all night. The next day they called my mom and told her we were both positive and were supposed to quarantine in our hotel room. It was the most boring 2 weeks of my life. We were sick and bored. We couldn’t go out and all we did during those 2 weeks was binge-watch Netflix shows and stay on our phones. When the 2 weeks were up, we left as soon as possible. I have never been more relieved in my life to see my home. 
During that time, I realized how dangerous covid is. I didn’t have any bad symptoms or anything, but I understood that covid wasn’t something to take lightly and as easily as I thought it would be. There is only a small chance that you can go through covid with bad symptoms and those chances could take your life. I did get very bored and annoyed that I had covid when I was in Milan instead of having the fun, I thought I would have. I realized if you don’t wear masks or keep them below your mouth and nose when you are with a large number of people, you can easily get sick and in the worst-case scenario get hospitalized. Me and my mom were lucky enough to not have any life-threatening symptoms, but other people like the elderly might have it much worse. There is nothing you can do when you have covid, you can only suffer and be bored at home. 
When I passed covid, I wanted to take different actions the next time I’m in a place where there is a lot of covid and you are with a lot of people. You can only realize how much of a threat covid is when you or a loved one has it and might be in a serious condition. I still don’t really wear my mask when I go out because we are in Albania and there isn’t a lot of covid here, but when you are in a place where covid is everywhere you should keep your mask, so you don’t infect yourself or your family. 

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