Lost! | Teen Ink


November 12, 2021
By Anonymous

     Two years ago, just like any year before that, my family and I went to the beach in Golem, Durres for the summer. Unlike the rest of the summers, we spent there, that time we had Cookie with us. Cookie is our small, Pekingese dog. She had a light brown coat color, small, white paws, and a black face with big eyes. She could be a very energetic dog at times; she loved to play around and ran very fast, which was a big problem, because she could run away from the house if a door was open.  
                                                      Cookie Ran Away  
     The end of our vacation in Golem was nearing. On one of our last Saturdays, my mom, sister, and I were all in the house, waiting for my dad to come back from work.  After laying in bed for too long, I decided to go around the house to find Cookie and take her on a walk. When I went to the kitchen, she wasn’t there. I searched the whole house. My mom heard me calling Cookie’s name and came to the balcony with me. Our neighbors on the balcony right next to ours, who had heard us call for her, peeked through the balcony.  
     My mom got closer to them and asked, “Have you seen a small dog? She has light brown fur.”  
     “Yeah, we have, she came into our balcony. We had our door open, and she ran right out.” they replied, sounding sorry about what had happened.  
     My mom apologized that Cookie had entered their balcony, thanked them, and turned to me. I immediately put my shoes on and ran outside. I ran all around, looking for her. After about an hour, my dad came and helped us look even more. As it got darker, my parents suggested we go inside and try looking more for her the next day. We all went back home, hoping that she would return. The next day, we kept looking all around, we printed papers with a photo of Cookie, information about her, and a phone number. That night, my sister and I kept crying, saying that we missed Cookie and that we were worried. We tried staying up as much as we could, instead, we slowly fell asleep. 
     The next morning, our parents went to work, and the nanny came to take care of us. The three of us kept looking all day too. While searching around, a lady called us from the balcony and asked us to come up to her floor.  
     “I found the dog right outside of our building last night,” said the woman, who looked like she could be in her sixty's, “I brought her in and took care of her.”  
     Happy at the thought that maybe Cookie was in her house at that moment, I asked, “So is she in there right now?”  
     “No, my daughter, took the dog with her to Tirana.”   
     “Where can we go to get her back?” our nanny asked.  
     “You can’t find her anymore, she’s all the way in Tirana,” said the old lady. 
     The lady seemed a little suspicious, we didn’t really believe her and kept on searching. We had entered some streets, not knowing where they would take us. We came across a building with a blue fence around it and a big sign that said that people who didn’t live there couldn’t go in. In the parking lot outside the building, was a woman and two girls.  
     “Let’s ask them if they know anything about Cookie,” our nanny said.  
     I tiredly replied, “I don’t think they would know anything about Cookie, I don’t even think she would’ve come this far away from our house.”  
     Our nanny said we should ask them anyways. They said that a girl in their building had gotten Cookie with her because she had felt bad when she saw her on the street. They said she had gone back to Tirana and gotten Cookie with her because she didn’t want to leave her on the streets. They gave us her phone number and told us to call her. After thanking the lady and her daughters, we sent the number to my mom and headed back to the house, waiting for a response from her. 

                                                  She Came Home  

     A little later, my mom called, saying that my dad was going to go take Cookie and bring her home. My sister started jumping up and down. We were all waiting for my dad to come home with Cookie. We saw him parking his car from the balcony and I ran out of the door without thinking twice. My dad came out with Cookie as I was running towards them, and I hugged Cookie like I never had before. 

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