THE FALL | Teen Ink


November 5, 2021
By JonathanYe BRONZE, Irvine, California
JonathanYe BRONZE, Irvine, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The light gray cement bordered the enclosed playground. The wobbly swing shifted slowly on the shivering cold day. The petrified tree towered over the crooked swing . The thick grass dotted the somewhat barren playground. My intimidating friend stiffened his bulky shoulders. His competitive smile smirked as he altered his body into a running position. My friend immediately started sprinting at me as I stumbled back. He swiftly attempts to snatch me away.
My microscopic legs quickly shuffled away as I curled up myself into a square like ball.Then I sprung up and arose to the shivering air. My excitement immediately lifted up and I started running extremely fast as my determined friend chased after me.
Wobbly, my footsteps failed me, and I quaked as my energy emptied out. The sidewalk was flooded by deflated holes with worn down rocks, and it had plummeted and ascended like a maniacal roller coaster. The trippy crack in the upstart of the sidewalk burrowed into the ground but could barely be seen.
Plummeting, my foot fell into an outrageous crack! My heart pounded as I was literally tripping until a frozen cold shiver crept up my spine. I geniusly reacted and struck my hands, smacking the rocks and pebbles on the concrete, hard as chromium.
The disappointed me began to drizzle in tears as I heard my friends say unlucky Jonathan! The pain on the hands overwhelmed me like a turtle holding a hydro flask getting sucked up into the pool of lava.
A chunky hole in my pants was now covered with painful strands of dark blue threads. As I looked down, I saw the pebbles and dark stains on my helpless knee impaled.
But I just thought, “Johnny Cheddar makes things better, Johnny Cheddar makes things better” over and over again. I wiped my tears with my arm when I really saw the oversized scrape bleeding with dreadful crimson blood!
Unbearable, the pain in my knee tingles crazily as the aggressive jabs scorched like eating a ghost pepper and Warhead at the same time, as the vigorous stings struck! My fuzzy mind deactivated while unfortunately waiting for the bandage to stop the drizzling blood, so much that scarce thoughts became engulfed in emptiness, and my elephant-like memory scattered. My brittle knee, stinging violently, was now exposed to the ice cold air of the winter season like an ancient dinosaur getting frozen in a glacier.
Suddenly, an adult inched closer to me and said, “Does it hurt?”
In my mind, I thought “Is she crazy? Of course it hurts!”
At that moment, she grabbed an unordinary wipe and started to clean the blood off my knee. The dampness slowly dabbed on my knee, like painting the Mona Lisa, and I could feel the softness of the wipe.
I relaxed.
With an uneven oversized bandage blanketing my shiny knee, another adult revealed a piece of ice the size of an elephant.
“AHHHHH….” I thought in comfort.
A cascade of relief tumbled over me when I could finally extend my weeping leg again.

The author's comments:

This piece was from a while ago before I moved, this was a time when I was running around playing with friends but had an accident that left me with vivid memories that I store in my head to this day.

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