Brok;n | Teen Ink


October 31, 2021
By Jennnnyyy_ BRONZE, Woodside, New York
Jennnnyyy_ BRONZE, Woodside, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

She sits in bed hoping for the best, knowing things just simply won’t get better but still she gets up, prepares herself for the new day and pushes herself to keep going once again. Sometimes she doesn’t have the energy to get up but she does it anyways and I’m proud of her, deep inside I know she’s tired and wants to give up but she doesn’t. She’s covered her battle wounds with tattoos so no one questions anything, what could she possibly say anyways besides the truth, but even then she knows she’ll be judged and be labeled in society as “crazy”, “physco”, “mentally ill” etc, it doesn’t make it any better that she’s called these names at home. All she ever wanted was someone to listen and to understand her, she wishes someone would hug her and tell her “everything is going to be ok” but that won’t happen. She has these suicidal thoughts in her head but instead of ending her life, she sits back and cries.. in that moment she starts to think “I have my mom, I have my family.. i can’t”.. for a split second she thought they would be better off without her anyways, at the age of 12, she attempted to end her life, her family was heartbroken hearing this, however they were happy her attempt to end her life was unsuccessful, they didn’t understand why she wanted to end it, to them it was her way of trying to get peoples attention so of course she was sent to a hospital and forced to stay there for some time.
The girl was in the hospital for a month, her family hoped that by the time she came out she would be healed completely but no one took time out of their day to know what was really going on in the girls mind. If only they would listen to her.. she always has felt alone. She thinks to herself “nobody even wants me, I’m not good enough, I can’t do anything right, I couldn’t even kill myself successfully” and these things just run through herself head constantly, a part of her tries to remind her that she deserves to be here but deep inside she’s tired, she doesn’t want to keep trying and trying over and over again, she’s exhausted physically and mentally, she has no more energy in her and she’s slowly giving up, calling out for help hoping someone would hear her before it’s to late.

The author's comments:

Visit if you or a loved one is feeling depressed, overwhelmed or suicidal. 


Hey, my name is Jennifer, I'm 18 years old, I'm the author of this short story which is actually based on a true story and if you haven't guessed already... Yes, it's my story. I wrote this short story to show a little bit of what it's like to live with depression til this day, to show others it's okay to not be okay, it's okay to want to stay in bed and not get up.. It's completely okay and I understand you!! 

A little background about me and my depression:

I was sexually abused since I was 2years old and it went on for 9years straight, at the age of 10 I was tired of it already, I wanted the abuse to stop so I spoke up but fell into a deep depression once I realized my whole family was torn apart due to the truth. Initially I would blame myself for saying anything but I now understand it wasn't my fault, none of it was but I do still suffer with depression and also anxiety. Everyday is a struggle for me but I get up and keep going like dory says "just keep swimming" and a customer at my job told me "If you're going through hell then keep going because why would you want to stay in hell?" That quote has stayed with me since and I hope it means something to you as well. 

I hope this story is an eye opener to parents, dear parents please listen to your children when they want to talk even if you're busy, take some time off to listen please. Just by listening you can save a life.

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