Skipping | Teen Ink


October 5, 2021
By Draymone BRONZE, Sacramento, California
Draymone BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
- "Surround yourself with people who want to be successful just like you" <br /> - "Put in work and you will see progress" <br /> - "Everything happens for a reason"<br /> - "Work Now, Play later"<br /> - "Practice Makes Perfect"

It was a School day at Middle School, I was in the 7th grade I think and I was walking around campus at breakfast with my friends.  We were talking about stuff, joking, and talking about how school wasn’t the mood right now.  So one of my friends asked us if we were trying to skip 1st period and possibly 2nd. One of my friends said no, they were going to go to class and the rest of us, including me, decided to do it. 

Why did I decide to skip? I don’t know like I said it was morning and school wasn’t the mood. Now the bell was about to ring and we were deciding where we were about to go. Now if you’re going to skip school, you can possibly find a cool spot in the school where you won’t get found and staff isn’t looking or checking. Or you can just not even come to school and go places and not be at home.  My friend decided and said let’s go in the boys’ locker room and chill there. Us not thinking about how coaches and students from 1st period will possibly go in there. We did think about it but my friend was like if we get caught we can say we have P.E.

So we get there to the locker rooms, sneak in and just chill, play around, talk, and joke.  Where there for like 30 minutes then we hear someone walk in so we try to go run and hide. It was Coach B. He caught us and told us what we were doing. I think one of my friends said they were just late to P.E. trying to get ready. He didn’t believe us and just yelled at us to go to class. Nothing really happened. I just wrote this story because it was kind of embarrassing getting caught. Coach B was cool though I don’t think we ever got in trouble and sent to the office, he just said go to class and don’t let him catch us again.  Did I ever skip again? Probably, Yes.  I just did it smarter and never came to school and if I did, I came very late.

The author's comments:

This is a story of a mistake that I made and experienced from. 

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