The Bird on Skates | Teen Ink

The Bird on Skates

September 29, 2021
By Anonymous

Some of the most majestic and beautiful creatures are birds. The way they glide across the sky is truly magnificent. Now if you were to say someone skates like a bird, perhaps you would think that means they too are gliding across the ice with excellence and perfection, no. Seeing a bird out of his habitat is nothing short of embarrassing and that's how I got my nickname, Birdy.

The nickname was given to me so quickly it was almost like a hazing to my new hockey team, but to me it was somehow enjoyable. It's like a way of acceptance in a weird way, at least that is how I took it. The group of teammates huddled together were just as confused as I was, how does such a person get the nickname Birdy, where was the relevance? But as it was explained, everyone was in agreement, to put it simply, I skate like a bird.

There is no way I could have ever known where that name would have taken me. Going down the halls and hearing people call me Birdy when I know for a fact that I have never told them about that. Who could’ve imagined sitting at a table being called nothing but Birdy. It wasn’t bad though, I liked the name, it rolled off the tongue better, much better than my old name. 

Walking home one day and opening the door to only hear my mom ask about how I got the name Bird was a scene I would've never pictured, yet, it happened. You see Birdy came to be me more than my own name did, the name gets around and people start saying it too. So was I becoming Birdy or was Birdy becoming me. I’m still looking for that answer, maybe someday i'll know.

The author's comments:

This piece details and explains my story behind how I got my nickname.

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