Simple mistake | Teen Ink

Simple mistake

September 29, 2021
By Anonymous

It happens all the time, a common mistake really. But yesterday was the worst of all. Mid game, 20 minutes left all tied up. We have the ball. I'm playing left center defense and Aiden is playing right center defense. The goalie rolls the ball out and shouts, “Aiden”! I assume the pass is for the other Aiden, so I take off down the field, knowing that the next pass will be to me, but Aiden has the same Idea. The ball rolls right down the middle of the field. Right to the other team’s forward. Aiden and I both realize what happened. We sprint back on defense, but not in time. The opposing forward takes a few touches. He shoots. He scores. The opposing crowd goes wild...We lose, 2-1. All over a name mix up, a common mistake. 

Coach isn't happy. “We need to figure out a way to tell the two of you apart on the field.” He says.”If someone calls Aiden you both need to be ready for something to happen, or else one of you will be on the bench.” 

I looked at him and we were both thinking the same thing.”On the field, I will be called Shallue and he can be Aiden.”

         “Perfect,” Coach says. “All this fuss over a simple mistake. Kinda funny.”

The author's comments:

Written for compostion class

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