Rich | Teen Ink


September 28, 2021
By rrathje BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
rrathje BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In German, my name means rich. You’d think that would entail something to something specific like money. But no, it does not. It means you have something in abundance. Something that is worth value. When you get your name, it doesn’t define the person you become. It’s not the name that makes the person, it’s the person that makes the name.

I do not like sports, so I’m not “rich” with athletic prowess. I don’t care for colorful clothing, so I’m not “rich” with fashion. What I am rich with is not money or pride… but a mind. A mind that is unnatural to most. One that can only be described as… invaluable.

You see, I’m a thinker. A thinker that is “rich” with ideas. I like to take what I am given and see if I can turn it into something else. Whenever an idea pops into my head, I just grab onto it and see where it leads me. It may take me to a dead-end or two, but sometimes it’ll be on the right path to something good.

However, having a mind like mine doesn’t come without its faults. I am also “rich with problems” as I do have mental disabilities, like autism and OCD. These can make it hard for someone who always tries to come up with new things. But by spending my time, learning and adapting, it became easier for my mind to stay clear and focused. My name doesn’t mean “rich with ideas,” but I made it mean that because of who I am.

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