Everything Happens For A Reason | Teen Ink

Everything Happens For A Reason

May 19, 2021
By mdeslatte21 BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
mdeslatte21 BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Ever since I could remember, my Mom always told me everything happens for a reason. 

“Eh. That’s kinda cliche,” I would say. 

But, these past few years, I really took a second to think about that. Did that relationship not work out for a reason? Why didn’t my job not work out as I thought it would? Why didn’t I get the grade I thought I would get on my paper? Why this, why that. 


When I was in middle school, I kept changing what I thought I wanted to do. 


“Mom, I want to be a veterinarian,” I said when I was 10 years old. 

“Ok Madie,” my Mom said. 

“Mom, I think I want to be a teacher,” I said when I was 12 years old. 

Again, my Mom said, “Ok Madie.” 

Growing up, I told her everything. I told her every single thought and we both expressed our feelings to each other. 

When we felt aggravated, mad, or annoyed at something or someone, we told each other about it and talked it out. When we didn’t talk, we just knew through how we acted. 

She knows everything about me. Hopes, dreams, fears, what foods make my mouth burn, my ticks and what annoys me, my favorite places. 

She knew and to this day, still knows every little detail about me.

She brought me to the realization that whether it be a relationship, friendship, or the most minor decision, it can truly impact and teach you something in so many different ways. Even if you don’t notice it at first, sharing your thoughts and experiences with someone else could teach them something. They could even just be watching a scenario going on and learn from that. 

So, those things that are happening to you right now, might just be happening for someone else. It just all depends on how you look at it. 

From covid, to quarantines, to changing jobs, to new friendships and relationships, so much of what has happened this year shaped me into who I am today. I learned so many things that connected to the “everything happens for a reason” idea and also learned a ton about myself as well. 

I learned that friendships really come and go throughout high school. I learned to not try and force a relationship or friendship. If it works out, it will work out. I learned that everything falls into place, whether it be good or bad and whether you learn something from it or not, because later on in the future you might be instead. I also learned that because of covid, I have become quite a big procrastinator. I learned that maybe covid did kind of happen for a reason. Everyone that came into my life recently has taught me something. Whether it be to appreciate the little things in life more, like going on random hikes at the park in the middle of the night just to talk and catch up. Whether it be to stay a few minutes later at home with my brother before I leave for school so I can talk to him for a little bit. Or whether it just be to not worry about everything so much and take things so seriously. I learned something from the littlest of occurrances. 

But on the flip side, sometimes good things fall apart so that the even better things can fall into place. 

Especially with covid, so many people’s lives have obviously changed so much. People experiencing things they have never thought they’d have to deal with before, ever. It’s been an extremely overwhelming and long ride for all of us. But, I think it was an awakening for everyone to appreciate the things we have in life. Things like being able to travel to places, hug our friends and family, be in public, the outdoors, things like that. It reminded us of how blessed we are to have the things we have. 

So, as my senior year is starting to come to a close quicker than I thought I could ever imagine, I would like to say yes. I really do believe that everything happens for a reason. 

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