Success at its Best | Teen Ink

Success at its Best

January 28, 2021
By Anonymous

Success at its Best

Have you ever left your comfort zone and been amazed by what you could accomplish? A time when I experienced this phenomenon was at a dog show. My aunt and uncle breed Wirehaired Pointing Griffons as hunt and show dogs, and I have been lucky to tag along on hunt tests, hunt training, and dog shows. Without them I would not have as much experience with puppies or even entered the ring at shows. They have helped me learn to jump at opportunities and broaden my comfort zone. I believe all people should experience success from outside their comfort zone. 

Every year in March, I have gotten educational days off of school to attend the Celtic Classic All Breed Dog Show at the York Fairgrounds. Each year I am fascinated by the thousands of dogs and hundreds of breeds in one room. Hearing all the dogs voices during the national anthem is incredible. Dog shows are unpredictable and it is hard to plan ahead for who will handle each dog because the number of dogs in each category varies and many owners have multiple dogs on the schedule. One day, my aunt’s friend needed a handler and I was the only one available. As soon as I agreed, everything began to happen fast. I had officially left my comfort zone in more ways than one. Now I was no longer with my aunt and I was surrounded by adults whom I had never met. The dog I would be handling was unfamiliar too. It was the first time I would be showing a miniature Pinscher or any breed other than a Griffon. This meant I had to quickly learn how to show a toy breed: hold the longer lead, pace with the dog's short stride, place the dog on the table, show the dog's teeth to the judge, etc. There was additional pressure because now I was trying to win points, compared to my previous goal of just gaining experience for young impulsive Griffons. In the end, I won Best of Breed. It was a huge confidence booster to know I could handle foreign situations and still succeed.

This experience led me to believe that everyone needs to break free from their comfort zone. As a young person it helped me learn to talk with strangers and adjust to situations, but most importantly I learned to trust myself in unfamiliar circumstances. I can remember this accomplishment to help me overcome future obstacles.

Others should have similar experiences so they can also become more confident and understand how special the feeling of success can be. I believe you have to leave your comfort zone to appreciate your unique success. So do you know what success really feels like or what you can achieve? 

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