How to survive going shopping with my mom | Teen Ink

How to survive going shopping with my mom

January 20, 2021
By courtneymecke BRONZE, Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan
courtneymecke BRONZE, Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You realize you are out of shampoo and your mom offers to take you to go get it. You get in the car ready for a quick trip but she starts listing off all of the places she wants to go you realize it will be the opposite. You arrive at the grocery store first where she needs to buy enough food to feed a village, even though you have a family of four. Despite being in a grocery store your stomach feels rumbles with rage. You try to explain to her that you need barbeque chips to satisfy your angry stomach, she insists that you are eating unhealthy and you can eat an apple when you get home. The hope that you have to get home soon and have a disappointing apple vanishes when your mother sees your 30-year-old cousin’s friend’s childhood babysitter. They talk for a nice twenty minutes. By the end of the conversation, you learn that she has recently started her own business, where she makes balloon arches. Next, you go to get your shampoo, while you are there she realizes that she needs every cleaning supply they have. Once you have attained the shampoo, she sees her friend from her book club. They feel the dier need to catch up. You are finally freed from the drug store and are able to go home to eat since your stomach feels like it is eating itself. Just kidding, she needs to go buy ten frames and engrave them. Conveniently for you, you’re friend’s older sister works there so your mom must also talk with her for a while. After learning about most of her life, you are finally able to go home. Once you arrive back at home and eat your mediocre apple, you reflect on your two-hour experience, which was truly out of body.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece to describe what it is like to shop with my mom. I thought it would be interesting because my mom is very social and always is doing ten different things at once!

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