Short story | Teen Ink

Short story

January 20, 2021
By edubtheduogod BRONZE, Murrieta, California
edubtheduogod BRONZE, Murrieta, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

¨Help me! Iḿ not your enemy¨, he said. As I look at him in disgust, I allow him to go free. My homie Nicholas  said ¨ You 're going soft, the old you would´ve never let someone just go, after stealing from you¨… No matter how mad I wanted to get, I couldn´t.  Chauncey was right. After that shoot out, I was  just never the same. Everyday, the screams, the gunshots, just keep flowing back into my head. 

December 31, 2019

¨Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Ellis. Happy birthday to you. As everyone sang happy birthday, I could only thnk about tonight. The night where everything is settled. After this.. I am done with the crips.  After the party I met up with the gang, went over our plans for 2 hours. When everything was finalized we snucked in their houses, and set everything on fire. We were all happy. We thought that we took them out, and it was over.  They caught us by surprise, and did a drive by. They shot and killed Chuancey… I got out of there, barely even taking a scratch. I ran home crying. I couldn´t fight back the tears. I sat there staring at myself in the mirror. Wondering about who or what I became. After this experience… I have to be strong, and risk my life for the dead homies. 


Present day

As I’m walking home, after the incident I think to myself. “ What if I changed for the better good”? So I put my thoughts into reality, and bought out of the Crips. I encourage many others to do the same. For the greater good of families all across America. As I walk through the valley in the Shadow of death. I ask thge Lord for forgivness. As I could only reach true happiness through him. 

The author's comments:

I am a 14 year old, who likes creative writing.

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