Tranquility in lights | Teen Ink

Tranquility in lights

January 14, 2021
By JayasreeN BRONZE, Guilderland, New York
JayasreeN BRONZE, Guilderland, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Diwali is the festival of lights. Every year my mom and I decorate the front of our house with lights, diyas, and rangoli. Diyas are clay candles that can be decorated and Rangoli is a kind of decoration we put in the front of our house with colored sand or rice in any pattern.The festival usually lasts five days and is celebrated during the Hindu lunisolar month Kartika. Another name for Diwaii is Deepavali which is usually what my mom calls it. Diwali is celebrated to symbolize good over evil or hope over despair. I greatly enjoyed this festival in America but when I went to India to experience Diwaii for the first time, I was astonished. The streets, the temples, the houses were wonderful. I walked down the streets seeing the candles illuminate every corner and house. It was marvelous. 

 Before I went to the temple, I wore my traditional clothes and got ready with my mom. I walked to the temple and saw many families waiting to see the candles and fireworks. Once everyone got settled, the candles brightened the temple as if we were looking at a golden castle.  I stood there as the candles lit up the sky. The feeling of tranquility left me speechless. All the children and parents watched as the temple shined brighter than a sunrise. Silent, everyone was mesmerized by the Festival of lights. The fireworks were next and they caught my eyes the second they were released. The temple was quiet with everyone there amazed at the view. It was unreal. Not only did they do fireworks and candles but they also released lanterns. Once the lanterns were released, they stole everyone’s gaze. It was my first time seeing lanterns. At that moment, it felt like time froze and I knew I was going to remember that for a long time.  It calmed me down from stress I didn’t even know I had. The first thought that came to mind was that one scene from Tangled where Rapunzel was with Flynn on the boat watching the lanterns in the sky. I remember watching that scene when I was younger, fascinated by the lanterns. It was dreamlike. The entire experience was amazing and I can’t wait for the next time I go there again!

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