Being of Covid-19 | Teen Ink

Being of Covid-19

January 9, 2021
By Anonymous

    It was a regular Friday at school, we knew about Covid-19 but it wasn’t really a big deal. Everyone was ready to get a break from school. We thought we would only be out for a couple of days and return. But I haven't been in one class since March of 2020. The first month of not going to school was fun, it was every child's dream. 

 My cousins and I would be like ‘’what if something went wrong and we didn't have anymore school?’’ Little did we know that it was coming true, well not the school part, kinda. I still have online school. And online school is very difficult. I have a big responsibility, I have to be mature, and I Have to pay attention. I can’t say I'm not going to school this day because I’m too tired to go, no I have to go like everyone else. 

If you don’t go to school you will end up like me, far behind on everything and I wish I could go back and change my mistakes, but I can't. My mom even turned my phone off because my grades are bad. I have to get all C grades in order to get it turned back on. The only thing I can do is try to make up my work. Try to get at least Cs. Right now my grades are horrible and I never had grades like this until online school. 

I’m not blaming Covid or because it's an online school. I’m smarter than that and I should've acted smarter. Instead I was being lazy and I took advantage of the situation. I learned my lesson and I'm paying for it. Other than school being closed other places were closed as well like the movie theatre, and etc. I Have to stay 6ft away from other people and wear a mask if Iwant to go into any type of public place. 

In the beginning everyone was buying extra things like tissue, hand sanitizer, bleach, and etc. It got so bad that you can buy only two of each item. Everyone was making their own masks or selling masks. Whoever is making masks and selling them is probably making some good money right now. Parents wouldn't let their children go anywhere. My mother would allow us to go to close relative houses only. I chose to stay in, I would stay downstairs with the light off and sleep all day. 

When I tried to get up and do something my body wasn't having it. I stopped doing my school work and I stopped talking to everyone I knew. I only came out of my room if I was hungry or had to use the restroom. I deleted social media, it made me feel insecure. I was barely eating any food at all. 

Being in my room all day with no one bothering me had me thinking, I was thinking all the time. I would cry myself to sleep. I would ask God what's wrong with me, because I didn't understand why I was so down. It came out of nowhere. I wanted to talk to someone, I wanted someone to hold me so that I could cry in their arms. I felt like I didn't have anyone, I felt lonely and I still do. I haven't told my mother about this either, but she does notice what's going on and she said she’s taking me to the doctor. 

She said I've been like this since I was a little girl, but I'm just now seeing it, or it's getting worse as I'm getting older. But I've been okay. I started talking to people again and I started going over people's houses. I made a couple of new friends and they really make me happy. I like talking to my friends, it gives me a good feeling.

 I still can't go to sleep on time, but I take each day step by step. I also kind of understand who I am, I feel like I'm more mature, like I see stuff differently. And my mindset is different. But enough that… 

When people cough or sneeze I automatically think they have Covid-19. And I really don’t want to catch it, I hate being sick. I also  know I'm not the only one that forgets their mask when they're going into a store. That's very annoying when Ihave to walk back to my car or I can't go into the store because I forgot my mask at home. Any little thing that I feel is wrong with my body  I think I'm going to catch Covid-19. That's another reason why I stayed in quarantine. I didn't want to take any chances. 

My mom caught Covid and I stayed in my room the whole time. Everyone in my house got sick, and I knew I was next, but I actually didn't catch it. I caught a cold and I felt like I was dying. During Covid-19 we had to go food shopping more often, because we kept running low.  When everyone is in the house doing nothing we get bored and hungry. So the more I was  at home the more I ate. We had to clean up more because we were there so much. 

My  mother would make us deep clean. When my brother and sister go play outside, my mom makes them spray down with this stuff that takes away 99% germs. Most of the time we are in the house but we have to get out sometimes. That's what everyone should do, go take a walk and clear their minds, it doesn't matter if it's at night or morning, just take a walk. And talk to people. 

I went through a lot during this pandemic but most of all I learned things about myself. I made new plans and found out what I want to do with my life. I learned how to communicate with others. I learned that everyone isn't going to be here forever. I lost loved ones during this pandemic. Covid-19 taught that I only live once so live it.

The author's comments:

This is just my experience.

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