Whole New World | Teen Ink

Whole New World

December 18, 2020
By Anonymous

     Oh, no! This was my first thought. The water this nice lady just gave me tasted bitter! I couldn’t get past that taste. It tasted like tea without sugar, and let me tell you that’s not a taste to look forward too. Will I never get to drink normal water? I don’t even want to remember this food. I was in complete and utter agony. It was 18 hours of difference. Now that I think about it, I was on a plane! The second plane today or even the third. I lost count of the number of planes! Shoot, I never thought of planes. I rarely ever noticed cars.
     It was as if I upgraded my life, but the kind of upgrade that turns everything upside down. Then those hours ended. It was like a whole new world. What happened to the sand? The mud, even? Why were the houses squashed together? Why so small? I didn’t know anyone here. What if I never get to see my friends, my family, my home- these thoughts raced one another in my head. I was so tired. I just wanted to sleep all this off.
     When I woke up, there were toys. A lot of toys! The neighbors’ kids must’ve bought them when we were asleep. It was generous, but I want my home! I want to go back home. Where was I? I wanted to cry because this place was so amazing. I knew I’d fall in love and never want to leave. The rest of my family should be here with us. They’d be safer here. They call this their home. Then it would be the perfect home sweet home. With all that felt missing, I don’t know how I will get comfortable here.
      My home was in my dreams. It was even in my nightmares! I never know if I will revisit those dreams. Would I ever get to sleep on the roofs again? Then there was school. I’ve always loved school. Maybe because it was so hard, and so far. I just loved to learn anything. Except it was only a short amount of school. We would get 4 hours at most and not even every day. Yet, I don’t remember complaining.

The author's comments:

Hello, I am a Yazidi. I am from Iraq and I moved to Texas at the age of 8. This was just some of my feelings as I moved across the world to a place I can now call my home.

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