Superman & Me Imitation | Teen Ink

Superman & Me Imitation

December 16, 2020
By Julgarcia2403 BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
Julgarcia2403 BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This might be an interesting story all by itself. A little 9 year old girl at Walmart happily shopped with her family for decorations, plates,cups and a present for her brother's 8th birthday. On their way out of Walmart her mom gets a text message from the little girl's dad. A face of dread shows on her mother's face as she looks up from the screen and tells her that her dad had left and was never coming back. She drops onto her knees and cries as she feels her heart drop to the floor. She is one of the only people in her elementary school without a dad so she didn’t talk about it with anyone as if it would somehow dull her pain

As if it wasn’t worse enough my family expected me to not feel sad and to just forget. He was a bad dad and a bad person, they said. They quickly moved on while I kept on repeating the moment as if it had happened yesterday. They hated him while I was confused as to why he had left. They got rid of everything that reminded them of him while I wanted to hold on to everything to keep him somehow close to me. They were relieved over the fact that a chapter of our lives was finally close and although I agreed with them it was hard to make my heart feel the same way my brain did. So I did what they told me, to heal and try to move on, because I knew that was the only way the pain would stop.

My father leaving me was my first heartbreak. I went to therapy and finally poured my heart out to someone. I was ready to heal and put the past behind me. I found myself feeling happier and not dreading waking up the next day to a day full of sadness. The sight of seeing a father and a daughter together didn’t break my already broken heart, instead I was happy and chose to feel happy for her. I was blessed with a wonderful mom who more than filled the dad role which in the end healed me. I refused to hurt. I refused to cry. I was healing. I was happy. I was rescuing my hurt heart.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this piece because it reminded me of a tough time when I was younger and how I got through it.

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