The apartment on Roop street | Teen Ink

The apartment on Roop street

December 14, 2020
By Anonymous

My mother and my father broke up about 4 years ago. It was March of this year. My mom was at work like she always was. My sister and I were home alone. We were babysitting my niece, who is 5. My sister and I were getting ready for a party with our boyfriends when we found it.


It was a cold hard bullet. And, not the type you put in a gun. The type you do cocaine out of. 

The look I saw on her face was shock. We quickly called my dad, who lived in the next town over. He came and picked us up, and called CPS and the police. They both said that they couldn’t do anything about it. This was the beginning of it all.

Soon after, I realized all the bad my mother had done to my sister and me. She made us sleep on the floor so drunk guys could sleep on my bed (A.K.A. the couch), Drove in the car while smoking both cigarettes and joints, and getting arrested while I was in the car. 

Much more happened than just this, though I will spare you, the reader, the details. My mother is a bad person. And finding her “Stash” was just the tip of the iceberg to how bad she actually was. 

The author's comments:

This is a story about what happened at the Apartment on Roop street. 

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