Gullible | Teen Ink


November 23, 2020
By Anonymous

One day my friend told me the most bizarre thing that I’ve ever heard. He said, “Did you know that cereal is a soup?” 

My friend is the type that believes everything. Some might call him gullible. If you were to tell him that Michael Jackson is still alive, he’d most likely believe you. As a kid and to this day, my friend has suffered from being Credulous, or someone who “easily believes” everything. He is like a normal kid. He plays sports, has average grades, and can be mean and not mean. But the thing is, he'll believe that the world is ending if he heard it from a BABY! 

One day after we got McDonald's, I remember walking home with him when he said, “Did you know that cereal is a soup?” and then I said, “Oh that's bulls***. Where did you hear that from?” He said in a kind, small, apologetic voice, “I saw it on TikTok.” And I informed him on what soup was. I said, “Soup is hot food. Like when you cook Ramen. When you take it out of the pot, you have to wait for it to cool down. Or even when you get Miso soup. It’s hot at first taste and you have to blow on it to make it cooler.” and he said, “Ooooh okay.”

I knew he would probably forget what I just told him. And if he saw another, “cereal is a soup” thing anywhere, he’d believe it and tell me. I have tried to tell him that he can’t believe everything he sees or hears. And I think he has finally begun to realize that not everything is true, and he is now starting to question things that he hears. And I think that maybe one day, he’ll come to his senses and finally realize that not everything in the world is true.

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