My Boating Experience | Teen Ink

My Boating Experience

November 19, 2020
By mj_alpine BRONZE, Tigard, Oregon
mj_alpine BRONZE, Tigard, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In late February I remember my dad asking me if I wanted to go fishing with him. Fishing really wasn’t something I liked to do, so I said no. He told me that it could be like a small vacation over the weekend and we could stay in a nice “Air B and B.” I finally said yes after some convincing from him. My whole family, minus one of my sisters, would be going. On the day we left I was excited to go on the trip. The car ride was very long and most of the time I just listened to music. By the time we got there, I noticed that the house was on the smaller side. We unpacked everything from the car and walked into the house. The first thing I noticed was that the house was slanted almost. I felt like I was walking at an angle trying to walk around the house. But the home had a beautiful view over-looking the water.  I unpacked all the things I had in the bedroom. My bedroom was small and had two bunk beds on either side of the room. The room made me feel like I was in someone’s grandma’s house. It was late by the time we got to the house, so I got ready to go to bed quickly and went to bed. The next morning I got up and my dad said that we would go on the boat for just something to do. As we were in the car, I noticed that it was raining pretty hard outside, but I thought nothing of it. We got onto the boat after a few minutes of my dad setting up things. It was still raining pretty hard. The boat was pretty nice too. It had a covering over the front side of the boat and seats in the back. We got out to the water, and the waves started to pick up a little. As we got out to the water a little farther I thought to myself, 

“Wouldn't it be funny if the boat starts sinking?” 

Apparently, my thought was starting to come to reality, as the waves started picking up even more. I looked at my sister with a worried look on my face. She looked worried also. The boat started tipping more as the waves spilled into the boat. My sister and I started screaming. I looked at my dad and he had a worried look on his face too. That's how I knew that things were getting worse. My dad usually never gets worried about these sorts of things. The water was about knee high on my sister and me. The boat kept rocking side to side. My sister was now crying and my mom was yelling at us to put our life jackets on. I almost cried myself but I knew that crying and panicking wouldn’t help the situation. My dad had my sister sit closer to the front of the boat so she would be the safest. I clung to my mom the whole time while she took a bucket and tried scooping the water out of the boat. We started to head back to the docks before the boat sank. It was getting hard to breathe. I thought I was going to die. The waves wouldn’t calm down. The rain was still pouring down on us. We were getting closer to the dock and I calmed down a little. As soon as the boat got back to the dock my sister and I jumped out of the boat. Sienna was practically crying. 

“Okay I know that was really scary girls,” my mom said. “How about you take my car and drive back to the Air BnB?” We both said yes and took her car back to the house. We changed into some comfy clothes and watched TV together for the rest of the night. It was a scary experience but not every experience is going to work out the way you planned. 

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