2020 | Teen Ink


November 15, 2020
By Anonymous

This quarantine is hated by most people because It’s hurting families and taking the lives of many. This pandemic has put so many businesses at risk or even out of business. It’s made 2020 notable for being a pretty terrible year. But I’m here to shed the light on the bright side of this situation. While there is no way around the horrible consequences this virus has had on our society, there is also a good side that gets left unacknowledged because of the sheer amount of bad in the way. Personally, I am benefitting from this quarantine. I consider myself to be one of the lucky ones from this mess. My family and I stay home for the majority of our time, only leaving home when necessary. We don’t go out to eat or hang out with friends or family. This ensures that we are always safe, and prevents us from getting sick. You might be wondering how I’m benefiting from this and enjoying myself if I’m stuck at home, and I will explain. Basically, this quarantine has given me a big gift of time. Time is very valuable as we all know and I have been taking advantage of this excess time not just for leisure activities, but more importantly I have been productive and pursuing my passion for making music. Don’t get me wrong, I was so disappointed at first when I found out I wouldn’t be able to spend time with my friends and family in person anymore. I actually couldn’t accept it before and be very unhappy with it. But I began to realize that I wasn’t stressed about school anymore. School from home was significantly easier to manage. While at the cost of being less effective at actually teaching me, the school took significantly less time out of my life, leaving more for my music. I slowly became more and more okay with not seeing other people in person. Come the next school year, which was supposed to be very difficult, is now much easier than expected. I’m now used to being alone with my parents now, and I like being productive on something outside of school. I now spend more time and effort on my music than I do in school, and I am so grateful for that opportunity. I’m sure that having extra time is not only beneficial for me but many others too. I know that some of my friends have also benefited from having an easier school. If you are fortunate like me and are safe at home, then I believe this quarantine is a gift for us. It allows us to take advantage of this opportunity of extra time to improve ourselves and our lives.

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I am 16

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