My dogs | Teen Ink

My dogs

November 9, 2020
By Anonymous

I never thought owning 2 dogs would change my life. Owning pet dogs is one thing almost everyone asks for. I am very lucky to own 2 dogs. 

I got my dogs in 2014 and 2016 , Chloe was a surprise and I got Axel from my moms friend from work.When I found out Chloe was home I was so excited, she was just an adorable little puppy. I can tell she was tired from the long car ride from her mom’s house to my house.

Bringing them home was exciting, Chloe was a curious little puppy. She was first afraid of going down the steps, she whined a little, it sounded so cute though. Chloe is a very playful dog, she goes crazy whenever she sees another dog, she always wants to play. When Chloe got her first haircut she looked so adorable, she looked like a furball and bows on her ears.

In 2016, my mom’s friend wasn’t able to take care of Axel anymore because they have a little girl, so he gave Axel to us. He was the cutest thing, he looked like a little snowball. When he first came home, Chloe got so excited and wanted to play with him right away. We made sure they got along and now they are inseparable. If one goes somewhere to the vet appointment or something the other will cry.

I can’t even count how many great memories we have  with the dogs. The two different times the dogs came home I instantly had a huge bond with them. Whenever  upset about something mentally, I would snuggle with them and hug them. They always put a smile on my face

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