Not knowing about fire | Teen Ink

Not knowing about fire

November 6, 2020
By Tony2004 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
Tony2004 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As a 15 year old boy now, to this day I still remember something I never forgot about. I never thinked when I was setting random things on fire but luckily I blew it out. I don’t really remember the age i was back then but i still know i was only a child during that time. This was at my House and I was being my childish self when i opened my dads cabinet in the Laundry room and found this. It was a lighter, It looked small and had a dark body with a silver top that had a metal wheel to make the spark and a red pedal for the gas. 

I was curious to light it up so i did and i was amazed by this as the little flame came out of the top, I sometimes blew it out and turned it back on. This is when i got more curious, I went first to my parents Room. Their room had a big bed which can have 2-3 people in it. I then lit the curtains which covered the bed which i only burned a small spot which left a hole which was the size for a child’s or youngsters fist to fit in, good thing i was able to blow it out though.

After that i got up and walked out of the room, I walked to the kitchen which looked nice and had a decent size next to the living room. There was a round-ish oval-ish kitchen table where you eat and there i went under it and i looked up seeing a little string hanging off the table cloth. My curiosity got the better of me and I lit the lighter and lit the string as a little flame showed up on it. I tried to blow it out but the flame wouldn’t go out, was my breath too weak? 

I quickly got out of there and rushed to the Laundry room and opened the door to the Garage where my Dad and Uncle were. The two of the were working on something as i stayed silent just standing aside from the door, After a few seconds the fire alarm went off as My Dad and Uncle heard it as they asked me “What happened?”, I never answered. They went in as i went in as well as they walked to the kitchen to see huge flame on the table, my Uncle quickly got a bucket of water and splashed it on the top and bottom of the table as the flames went out at an instant. 

My dad put me on a time out at my play room and he wasn’t really yelling at me or anything but instead he was telling me and explaining me what the dangers of fire can lead to. I had my head down sitting on a toy box thinking about the lighter and what happened. To this day i still remember that lesson that messing with fire can lead to bad things like something can catch on fire. This was an experience i’ve been through and it did made me learn something from it to not mess with fire.

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