Dreams Can Come True | Teen Ink

Dreams Can Come True

January 29, 2020
By Emmadavidgibson BRONZE, Fayetteville, Georgia
Emmadavidgibson BRONZE, Fayetteville, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
do or do not there is not try<br /> <br /> - Yoda

Dreams can seem hard to accomplish. But for me I thought that dreams will never come true. I am adopted. I moved through orphanages two times and I always wanted to have a family. Every night when I laid in bed, I prayed to have a family for my sister Ruth and me. I thought that I was never going to have a family and that my dream was too big and it would not happen.  

It was not until I was 7 when I found out that we were going to get adopted. I was shocked to hear that I was finally going to have a family. I felt like crying but I did not want anyone to see me cry. I worried that the family would not want us because a couple of other families before did not want us. I was a little hesitant about going with my new parents. I did not know if they were like the other people that did not want to get me and Ruth. But after doing Skype calls for a long time, I knew that this family is the one that I was going to be with. I knew that my prayers were answered. After awhile, they finally came to Costa Rica, and when my dad called my name, I knew that my mom and dad wanted to have me and my sister. That day I felt like I could live forever.

I came to America and my mom and dad have a lot of friends, and they told me that this is a big family.  I did not get just a mom and dad but a lot of friends. I was happy to know one person that was my friend. I did not feel nervous, it was like a big family reunion. I have never felt so happy as that day. Now that I have a family I can be happy for my life. I don’t have to give up on my dreams. In my mind I did not expect to live with this big family. If I want to do something, I can just hope that it will come true. One thing that other kids should know is that they should not give up on their dreams.

The author's comments:

I belive that my dreams can come true, and that other kids' dreams can come true as well.

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