Sacramento, MyHome | Teen Ink

Sacramento, MyHome

December 19, 2019
By TimothyVang BRONZE, Sacramento, California
TimothyVang BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sacramento, looks really nice and calm. I live in a big house that has nice neighbors, where you can see beautiful ponds with lotus on it, you can hear the sound of the birds and has the scent of fresh baked cookies. In Sacramento there are full of rich people and it is full of birds. Every morning I will always go fishing in the morning at the beautiful cold pond. Every night I will always walk to my friends house to go have fun, I wouldn’t be very scared because there are many bright lights outside and it would be very calm and quiet outside. 

All of this is not true but I wish it was. Everything that I’ve said was a really big lie. In my neighborhood it has the scent of weed, most of the time I would look out the window and see a swarm of people brawl. This happens almost everyday, I could already imagine what could happen to me if I go out. Going out to different places are actually really pretty but living where the ghetto is at is not good. All I could hear was people shouting,  Living in my place you might feel scared or frightened, it is a good looking house but it’s just about the people who lived there.  

Sacramento is a cool place to live, but just don’t get to a bad neighborhood. People should be aware of the people that lives near them because anything can happen right away.

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