Sacramento My Home | Teen Ink

Sacramento My Home

December 19, 2019
By billvang BRONZE, Sacramento, California
billvang BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The way I would describe Sacramento is that were the City Of Trees because of how much tree we’ve grown. I feel like the people/tourists should see Sacramento as a positive place to live in because we have such a good society where most of the people would get along and would be very respectful. The houses construction workers build are made out of quality by people that wants their type of houses designed like that. My city is filled with full of freedom for everybody that are either immigrants or nonimmigrants and there living freeable. When I get home, I feel like I'm living in a wealthy area where it’s very noticeable to the people that passes our calm wind whislisting street area. Almost every weekend when I wake up and look out my window, I always see these people riding dirt bikes on the levee near the creek in my backyard doing tricks that takes braveness to do. The tourists should see Sacramento as no diversity because we're not different from no other people.

I hate to break down the truth to you. Everything that I had to say was a lie. I live in an area that lethal weapons are used as a threat in a unbothered place. In the area where I live, bodies are trashed away like a mummy when it's sent away. Their bodies dance like a king cobra when the music of a flute is played to them. I wonder what will my vision see before I do. Am I even in my bed lying down. 

One of the biggest issues is having such a high rate for death and it’s increasing highly. You can’t escape death, death will chase after your life  when it chooses too. We should stand up to homeless because were also losing people from them starving and having no shelter to sleep at night time and that society will always continue. Our television never shows no anything that is poor because if they did they wouldn’t earn any money if they showed that. I would’ve done the same too because if were smart enough, we would be making big stash from the commercials and from the people. 

If I were the mayor of my city, I would focus on trying to change many things that are happening currently. We should be paying attention to many of the climate changes too because were in a position where if our grandkids are old they wouldn't get to see what we have seen in our year and I feel like that would impact on them. There's many things happening currently but we have to focus on the important stuff that would change everything and that is my main goal.


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