Sacramento, My Home | Teen Ink

Sacramento, My Home

December 19, 2019
By daisygarcia BRONZE, Sacramento, California
daisygarcia BRONZE, Sacramento, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

    My home,Sacramento home is full of the scent of trees and flowers. A city with clean fields and freeways. I live in a house with a view of a big beautiful park, cut grass, and well taken care of almost like new. The music of Ice cream trucks outside, kids running outside to stop for some ice cream. People who actually get along, a place kids where kids play outside when it's dark. The food being so delicious and restaurants are wonderful, almost weightless.

    Okay well we’re done with that, lets have some real talk. I live in a house with a view of a broken down park, a park not taken care of at all. Trash blowing away in the freeway, stuck in school fences. The  scent of weed in schools and neighborhoods. The sound of people yelling out in the streets, ice cream truck sirens stuttering. Walking outside to see police cars playing tag with cars. People avoiding the night, just to see another day. 

  A city where kids learn gang signs before their ABC’s. Turn around and see people camping out in the streets. People who buy an addiction than a nutrition. Respect for others, what’s that? A feeling of needing to be “cool” to fit in. 

   Welcome to my home, Sacramento. A place full of fantasy.

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