The Gables,My Home | Teen Ink

The Gables,My Home

December 19, 2019
By Anonymous

The gables is beautiful. It is an apartment that has a park and a pool, you can see people walking from your window and if you get the upstairs apartment you can see the big buildings outside. I live in the south of sacramento where you would see me mostly everyday outside doing dances in front of beautiful purple flowers and in the middle of  a big tree that has my name carved in the middle that I did 2 years ago. My neighborhood is very proper you see people walking their dogs, going for a jog, and big buildings around the corner with men dressed in suits and ties. Every sunday i go to church with my siblings and my nana.In the church what i do is eat, sing, and dance.My favorite part of church is when my song is being sung and the beat is just fantastic. After church I sometimes when i have the chance to clean some parts of the church and get money, and what I do with it is go to Mcdonalds or the arden mall with my friends. Around the church you will see restaurants, the haircut place, yard sales, and a small parks. You can just say the Gables is great


Wait wait wait im sorry guys I just lied to you. I know you seemed a little confused but that was all a lie, My neighborhood is not good, the trees does not have leaves on it, there's drunk men around the corner playing dice  and getting into arguments, there are left over tire lines on the floor from a block party that had happened last night, trash on the park floors, in front of the church they have homeless people in front of the door, and liquor stores being surrounded by grown man drinking hurricanes. I feel like I'm being punished for something I didn't do, I always hope that things would get better but nothing has changed. Innocent people are getting killed over games that shouldn't be played, and people moving away from their homes because their scared of getting hurt or  robbed. I tried to tell my family that we need to help our community but everytime I say that they just tell me to leave it alone and that's how life is but I know we can get better and come together.

What people need to see is the way we live is horrible. I know some people might be scared to say something about it to other people but they need to know that their neighborhood is not right. Parents don't bring their kids outside because it's too dangerous, their scared that if their kids go outside they won't see them again, their scared that if something happened outside and their kids are watching they might get the idea of doing it to other people its setting a bad example on children and i belive im the only person who sees it.. I know this because I lived here for 4 almost 5 years. People are moving and it puts them through a struggle because some people don't have money like that to buy new homes. My home needs to change because I don't want to leave but my mom is thinking about moving because she doesn't like living like this no more.

I just wish that my neighborhood would get better and live together as if we were a family, but not every wish can come true but I hope mine does.

The author's comments:

This is my essay about my home which is The Gables located in sacramento,ca. I wanted to write about this because i just want yall to know that even if my home is not good, things can come to a changed toward we all work togther as family.

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