Sacramento My Home | Teen Ink

Sacramento My Home

December 19, 2019
By Jacob999 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
Jacob999 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In my city, Sacramento is a place where the fun is at. Where I live is where there is no loud ruckus noises in my neighborhood and it is quiet as a sad person. This beautiful city is full of green trees and grass. In the afternoon I go to the park and feel the warm and sunny sun with fresh air all around me. When walking to school, the air is cool and breezy in the morning to not be too hot or cold. Where there is no traffic to cross the streets without being hit by a car. In Sac there friendly people all around the city, even if you don’t know anybody people are not rude. In this city, I have been having my best time of my life. Over here we don't have beat down buildings or trash laying around in Sac. When I go to the stores and restaurants we have tasty diverse food that will make your stomach growl and I will always visit these kinds of restaurants.

What I have experience, these things that I have told you are not true at all. Where I live is in a dark and scary area to the point I don't feel safe walking out my house to go to school everyday. There is always abandoned cars around the neighborhood and a lot of police sirens going around. Some part of town the grass is dead and brown and the weather in the morning feels like ice rubbing against your skin. Some parts of the roads have trash everywhere, and the traffic is crazy like raging  bulls rushing at you. In sac we have closed down buildings and beat down. Even sometimes the restaurants food are soggy like a wet towel. In my experience my neighborhood and the people are not really nice to me and my family. Mostly I just don't feel like I am safe in my neighborhood

My city faces some serious problems through its community. There are empty lots where a lot of homeless people live with also some trash laying around them. On the side of the streets are sometimes big pile of junk lying there with nobody to clean it and it just gets bigger then becomes a problem. Same problem with my neighborhood people would treat my neighborhood like its a junkyard. I feel like people struggle on cleaning the community. What really could help is a group that can clean the neighborhoods and money donations for them so they can clean for the community, then get money at the same time.

Sacramento is an entertaining place. You can visit, but Sac has some issues. Other than that staying here is very fun.

The author's comments:

my article piece is about my home Sacramento and the problems in this city.

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