Tutoring in Mundelein | Teen Ink

Tutoring in Mundelein

November 26, 2019
By 210461TU BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
210461TU BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Picture an introverts worst nightmare, and I don’t mean an empty, quiet place. Instead there is an influx of students with backpacks similar to galapagos turtle shells, and students with acne ridden faces, due to stress.The literacy center is the home of the Mundelein peer tutors. SAT prep books, ACT prep books, and textbooks run along the southside shelves of the enclosed area. The west wall is covered with clubs desperate for people to join, and a cheesy poster with peer tutors being an equivalent of a superhero. The east side nests a multitude of pictures of people you’ve never seen before in the school. Directly to the right of the pictures is a white board graffitied with colorful reminders directed towards peer tutors. On the inside of all the North, East, South, and West walls there are a few tables that sit four people, and one big meeting table that can fit nine, this all adding to the restricted free space already there. To add the finishing touches, the southeast area houses the desk of the two teachers who run the whole thing - Mrs. G, and Mrs. B.

The more students enter the literacy center, the more cramped it gets. The students enter with a specific purpose - at least they’re supposed to. One may enter because they need help with APUSH, and how they just don’t understand how to write a claim for a DBQ. Or maybe another student will come in, because they have service hours, and they want to go to the football game this Friday, because their friends are going to be there. Each student has a different reason for coming in to see a tutor. And me, I’m there to fulfill that reason the person has. I’m in the cramped area to help the students with the reason, or problem they might have; I guess you could say I am the solution to what they come in for. Although I don’t know everything the people who enter might be asking about, It is always good to aid people as much as you can.

The author's comments:

Inspired by the piece Serving in Florida by Barbara Ehrenreich.

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