Welcome to High School | Teen Ink

Welcome to High School

November 8, 2019
By Alexisgaichas BRONZE, Lockport, Illinois
Alexisgaichas BRONZE, Lockport, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

      August 24th, 2016, my life was about to change forever. My first day of high school, hundreds of new faces, hundreds of new places, and from what I thought, I was the one terrified freshman. My first day of school was nerve racking: not knowing where to go, who to sit by, who to talk to, it was a whole new world. In my experience, I was lucky enough to be on the cheerleading team which allowed me to make new friends over the summer, spend hours at school, and get used to the “High School vibe.” My fellow freshman teammates showed me that I was not alone in being terrified to enter High School. As the first day approached, we talked about the classes we shared and which lunch we were in, and we learned that High School wouldn’t be as terrible as we thought it would be. 

       The first day was horrific. I had walked into the wrong class, and of course it was an all senior class, I walked too slow in the hallways and created multiple traffic jams, but when it came time for lunch, I knew exactly who I was going to sit by. I walked into the lunch room with a few of my teammates and found a table to call our own. We discussed the trauma that the day had caused us and the people that we met in our classes, and this is when I first learned that I would be able to survive High School. 

        After a painful first day, I returned for another and four years later I am still pushing through. With the start of every year, the first day is still notoriously the hardest, but as I enter my final year of high school, I know that my last day will be the most difficult. Though freshman year was a difficult time spent adjusting, I could not have wanted it any other way. Don’t get me wrong, High School is just as scary as everyone makes it out to be, but I would do anything to do it all over again if I had the chance. I have made some of my best friends and favorite memories in High School, and I will forever cherish the experiences that I’ve had. Don't be too scared and don't be too nervous because everything will work out and it will fly by in the blink of an eye. 

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