My Pet Chicken | Teen Ink

My Pet Chicken

November 6, 2019
By shastastella2 BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
shastastella2 BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Why can’t I have a pet? That is the question I asked myself all the time. We lived in a tiny house in California before my sisters were born. My parents both worked full time jobs so none of us had time to take a pet out. I begged and promised I would take care of it all the time. I hoped and prayed for one especially near Christmas or my birthday. I still was not allowed to have a pet. “Mom don’t cook those they are going to hatch!” I pleaded with my Mom as she was cooking eggs. She tried to explain to me that they wouldn't hatch because they had been in the refrigerator. I thought she was lying to me. My parents would not let me have one but that was not going to stop me from trying to get one. So I took the entire carton of eggs out of the fridge with the hope that with more than one I would have a better chance of one of them hatching. I slept in a loft with a cabinet at the foot of the bed. I decided that it was the perfect spot for the chicks to hatch and grow up. I blew on the eggs to warm them with my brath and covered them with a blanket so they would be cozy. I checked on them everyday, so I noticed when they started to stink. Nobody noticed the eggs until my mom came into my bed to wake me up and almost threw up. I asked her.”What’s wrong?”, like I did not already know, 

”What do you have up here?” questioned my mother.

“What do you mean?” I asked pretending not to smell everything. I could only think that the eggs were so close to hatching and if she found them, all my progress would be lost. She couldn’t find them and went down to ask dad to look for what smelled. In the meantime I acknowledged that they stank and a chicken wouldn’t be much fun of a pet anyway. I made my decision and threw the eggs away before my parents found them. They never found out and I didnt get a lecture, but  I definitely learned the lesson that my parents always know best even if I do not understand. They knew that the pet would be miserable because of our schedule and where we lived. I did not understand their reasoning until I got older and we got two dogs. They were a lot of work! After that event, I decided that they were always be wiser than I was, no matter how smart I thought I was.

The author's comments:

Kind of humorus way for a kid to get a pet. I would feel great pleasure if it got published.

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