Life of Being Short | Teen Ink

Life of Being Short

November 6, 2019
By pranairaina BRONZE, Cupertino, California
pranairaina BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Being short is a hassle. This runs through my family. Nothing is good about being short. I can’t reach anything high up on a shelf, clothes are hard to get because they never have a small enough size for me, when I’m moving along in a big crowd, mostly several inches to a foot shorter than everyone else. All I see are the backpacks or the coats, missing out on the bright shop signs or the buildings that surround me, and obviously I get bullied. Why would you tell someone they are short? To make yourself feel better? To put them down? Or because you are bored? Bullies feel thrilled after making fun of something that someone else lacks at. For me, I lack being tall. Going to school, being a social person, I would always get made fun of because I was challenged with my height. It hurts when the first thing people see is that I’m short, as if that’s all I am, I felt like someone was punching me in the gut every time they made those rude comments about me. Though the good outcome of being short is that people overlook my true potential. Although, I think that being short can have its disadvantages, overtime I’m really realizing that it is actually kind of nice and shouldn’t be viewed in a bad way.

The author's comments:

What I am trying to portray in this set piece is my perspective of being short and my feelings towards it.

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