Between Two Worlds | Teen Ink

Between Two Worlds

October 29, 2019
By nitimag BRONZE, Cupertino, California
nitimag BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sometimes I wish that people didn’t exist. I wish that people weren’t so rude to each other. I have a pretty big group of friends. My best friend is in that group with me. She is super funny and kind although she can be annoying at times. Every once in a while, she will go sit with her other friends at lunch. Those are the days where lunch is quieter but the words are darker. They are loud and they clog up my head. I hear them say all this stuff about her. Little do they know that I tell her everything during our daily phone calls. As I tell her everything, I can see her emotions change fast. Before I could blink, I would see tears in her eyes. She would hide her feelings, pretending that she was okay, but I knew she wasn’t. I could read her like an open book. She wasn’t okay. Our “friends” are so rude, they make false accusations and say things that she doesn’t deserve. The words that come out of the mouths of these bullies spread like wildfire. Everyone knows now. There’s nobody to stand up for her. I’m too shy. I wish that I could help her.

The author's comments:

Point of view: Best friend getting bullied

In this piece I focused on personification. I took a problem that was real a Kennedy and showed that there is good in the world. I also focused on feelings. I tried to show the struggle of a friend who is stuck between two worlds. She is choosing between her best friend or her friend group.  

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