She Faded Away | Teen Ink

She Faded Away

October 28, 2019
By TJ BRONZE, Cupertino, California
TJ BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Every day came and went, the days soon blurring into nothing. She got up every morning to the annoying sound of her alarm clock. She got ready for the long day to come, not caring about what she wore or what others thought of her. She sat in the car, the buildings flying by as she stared wistfully out the window. She went to school, her back aching from the weight of her backpack. She talked to her friends without feeling like she belonged. She sat in her classes, longing to escape the dreadful drone of her teacher. She hid behind her fake smiles and laughs, hoping the world bought it. But with each pretty smile, she felt herself fall deeper into her endless void of thoughts, hoping to never come back to reality.

The author's comments:

Repetition: I used ‘she’ to begin most sentences. I also tried to incorporate a feeling of depression and loneliness into this set piece because there are many people in the world struggling with depression or other mental health  issues. My favorite part of this set piece is the last sentence, because the reader can decide how to interpret it. 

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