Books Help in Everyday Life by Joe Leone | Teen Ink

Books Help in Everyday Life by Joe Leone

October 21, 2019
By ToastJoe BRONZE, Spokane, Washington
ToastJoe BRONZE, Spokane, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Books Help in Everyday Life

Hello everyone! I would like to talk about books, and how they taught me an important life lesson. I have always enjoyed books, or manuscripts, especially fiction, action, sci-fi, and more. Some of you may try to contradict me and say books are not cool, but I believe they are very cool. Recently, I read a book called Schooled. It is about a boy who lives like a hippie and has never attended school. When his caretaker must go to the hospital and stay there by herself, he spends 6 months at a high school. All of the other students at the school make fun of him, but because of one person’s actions, he becomes well liked. The boy goes from having no one respect him, to being very popular.

In 6th grade, I had the privilege of showing a kid around my school so he could see what it was like. He was nervous, so I decided that I would be kind and make him feel welcome, not dejected. He was very friendly and grateful for my kindness. That day, I predicted we would be great friends. Since then, we have been friends in part, because of my willingness to make him feel good at my school. Well, if I hadn’t read that book, I don't think I would have had the courage and confidence to make him feel welcome. I didn’t want him to feel rejected because he was new, be made a spectacle of, or be subject to bullying. That book inspired me to be outgoing and a friend to others

In retrospect, I am glad I decided to help him out. I have been a great friend to him; in fact, he has been an even better friend to me. Who would have guessed that showing someone around my school would lead to such an excellent friendship? He has become someone the whole class likes. It has been nice watching him become happier since school started. Wow, books are amazing things. They inspire, assist, and give you something to believe in. Being introspective, some people may think of someone like my friend, someone they have helped, and in turn, helped them back. Thank you for reading this. I hope this made you feel better about yourself and others.

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