planting my roots | Teen Ink

planting my roots

October 18, 2019
By Lio BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Lio BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Planting My Roots

I believe that everything happens for a reason. Whether something big or small, bad or good happens, there is something behind it. I think that these things help us become who we are today. It helps us become unique and it’s what makes us human. 

When I was young I would travel a lot with my family. I didn’t have any long term friends because we were always moving from place to place. When we finally settled here in Delaware I became very happy. I was finally going to be able to make friends that I could settle with. We moved into a house that is in a calm neighborhood with a few kids my age and older. I didn’t know how to approach anyone because the only way I made friends through school. Soon after I had to start school. I was very quiet and nervous because I was intimidated by all the kids there. Some were mean and would make fun of me sometimes, but some were nice and showed me around and treated me nicely. After being with them for a while, I became more outgoing and less shy. I was truly happy that I got to make close friends. I didn’t have to worry about losing any of them because I didn’t have to go anywhere, but some friends left me or fell off, but I also met new ones. Some come and some go, but I was overjoyed to know what it’s like to have best friends.

My parents raised me to be open minded and I am extremely grateful for this. I look at everything from a different point of view and it helps me get along with people. It’s how I’ve made friends that make me feel happy to be here. I feel that my reason for being here is to help others and live my life the best I can live it. Everything I’ve gone through has helped me get here and I’m glad.

The author's comments:

I just thought way back to when I first moved back here into Delaware.

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