Constructive Media | Teen Ink

Constructive Media

October 3, 2019
By ayeitsmon BRONZE, Gastonia, North Carolina
ayeitsmon BRONZE, Gastonia, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A Pew poll shows that Americans are hungry for news, spending 70 minutes a day accessing it. I personally believe that there are two types of news. Now one is fake news like the headlines you read on social media and magazines; it’s out there to entertain us and maybe sometimes to inform us, but mainly just put out there to catch our attention, not to truthfully entertain us. The other type is the news that tries to inform us on a daily basis with factual evidence; this type of news is normally found in newspapers, news channels, and studies you can research online. Believe it or not they both have a toll on us.

 Both news types are liked in their own way but one is obviously more important when it comes to our world. When it comes to news, listening to people talk about boring topics all day is not interesting, people want to hear about the next scandal not the next law; so instead of watching things that could be of importance to us, we listen to things that the broadcasting channels and magazine publishers who know we want to hear, even if it might be false. “Americans now spend just a little more than $400 million per year in public money on public media”. Why would they spend this much on news broadcasting? Well it has an influence on us and helps drive marketing, politics, and many other things. See if something is interesting then it's probably gonna influence whether or not we like something; especially if they have our favorite person on television saying something against/for the product. This leads to pupils learning what they want us to hear instead of unbiased information.

This abruptly started affecting us and our communities. So say your doing research on your paper because it needs to have really good points to back it up, and you come across this website and it seems really interesting and cool, and you use all that information; well turns out all that information was wrong and your grade just plummeted. This is what many kids are probably doing on a daily basis. According to an article online ‘...more than 81,000 schools have the Internet access they need for digital learning.” This is actually a great thing that public education can give everyone access to what they might need to learn but everything has a downside; now that schools can give me access to the internet and computers I can do research but I’m not going to be able to tell if everything is truthful and if it's unbiased. So even though “The Internet and increasingly accessible digital technology have vastly leveled the media playing field.” I can get wrong and biased information just as easily as I can get the right information.

A lot of news is misconstrued these days because the internet makes it possible to absorb the wrong information. A professor, John Wihbey, had said “The rather contentious and poisonous public discourse around ‘fake news’ has substantially put young news consumers on guard about almost everything they see.” During school students are provided with access to the internet in order to do school work whether it be research or just to type something out like a paper; both involve having to use the internet to either provide quotes or factual evidence. Being a student, we are expected to have trustworthy citations; this means we can’t get sucked into information that sounds interesting when it’s actually wrong.

When it comes to newspapers and news media, people’s take on them aren't very good. Only eight percent believed in the newspaper and while eighteen percent of a different poll had no confidence in the news. “ 63% believe that news stories are often inaccurate” those aren't good numbers at all when talking about something I should be able to rely on at all times. Not only do students do research on their own, all throughout middle school I was supposed to watch CNN student news and take notes; it kind of makes you wonder if there was ever false or biased

information in them because they talked about a little bit of everything. This just goes to show that we should be more cautious when watching and reading our news. 

Not all channels are bad and we have to remember that. “For the entire week a variety of NBC programs broadcast stories on the challenges, opportunities and success stories in education in the US with the goal of inspiring “lasting and positive improvements in our educational system.” Some are truthful and me and my fellow students should be able to easily trust it without worrying if were going to fail because we were given the wrong information about the topic. The public shouldnt be able to make inaccurate and false things just to try and make a quick buck; although it might be entertaining, knowing Taylor Swift's next love interest is not really going to help us in the long run.

Now, I believe constructive media is important when it comes to me because I can access any information I want in a matter of minutes and depending on how I choose to perceive it, could change the way I act, talk,and even the people and things I associate with. So I do think people should have the power to let people know about what's going on in our world and community but I don't think they should be allowed to abuse that power by giving us the wrong information.

The author's comments:

My name is Monica V; I attend highschool, love soccer, and my favorite thing to do is eat. 

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