You | Teen Ink


July 10, 2019
By Anonymous

I can remember the night I first saw you so vividly. Standing there tall and confident. Uniquely passionate...and that's really the only way I can think to describe you. Unwaveringly yourself. Tall, confident, Watching you stand there...feeling your energy and radiating off of it, I knew that there was something there. The unknown has always scared me. Where is she driving? Why is he staring at me? What am I going to do? I question everything...but in that moment, everything stopped. You sang like home. You danced like freedom. You changed the moment. You're a breath of fresh air after years of drowning in the dark. Where the confidence to talk to you came from is still an unanswered question. I can only imagine that it came from the man upstairs. You see, in that moment, you were unknown, but you're the kind of unknown that makes your heart beat a little different...that gives you flutters starting at your toes moving up to your head...the kind of unknown that staples you into the mind for an unwanted amount of time. You challenged my idea of the unknown. You pushed me to look past the general description of life. You've changed my perspective on the world. Now, we are both taking separate paths in life and while the differences are abundantly clear, I can say with the same confidence you had on that stage that our story is not over just yet.

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A letter to a boy

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