A Grateful Revelation | Teen Ink

A Grateful Revelation

June 11, 2019
By swag_deposit00 BRONZE, Cave Junction, Oregon
swag_deposit00 BRONZE, Cave Junction, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Grateful is a term I don’t often hear everyday, nor is it something I feel is often felt by society. Gratefulness is like sunshine being rained down on you, in loving amounts. I taste gratefulness in my mother’s dinner’s, and I feel grateful when she cooks even when she’s sick. I hear gratefulness in my laughter when my dad makes a facetious joke.  I see gratefulness when I see bright blue skies, and smell fresh air. I see and hear gratefulness when I make my mom laugh at my dumb jokes, and I feel grateful when she comforts me crying on her birthday. Gratefulness is knowing things could be worse, much worse. Gratefulness is knowing you have all of these issues going on, but knowing you have the privilege of having these trivial problems, and knowing you’re breathing, and there are people dealing with worse things guaranteed. Remembering this helps on me on my worst days, when all I want to do is crawl into my dark bedroom, and sleep forever. Sight of sun shining in through curtains, hearing my dad’s music bumping through the thick walls, and hearing my mom laughing at the TV reminds me I’m home, and I’m grateful.

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Hope you like it. 

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