The Pumping | Teen Ink

The Pumping

May 31, 2019
By Anonymous

The pain traveled down to my knees causing irreparable pain. I let out a piercing Scream that could make the elderly go deaf. I collapsed to the floor. Everything was fuzzy, I saw two mysterious figure coming towards me. Behind them was a shining light that's blinding to my eyes. The figures said, “ tell them.” That's when I thought it was all over.

It was just another regular day. The sky was bright blue and the sun shined through my window that warmed my room. It was a happy day. I went to school. It was a good day, Nothing out of the ordinary happened. A dark feeling overcame me. It was unbearable. I felt like I was going to die. It made it impossible to breathe. I laid down and then the feeling stopped.

Then 10 minutes later it appeared again but ten times worse. It felt like evil spirits were trying to kill me. These dark images of what people think of me, my past of addictions and my depression. I believe those thoughts so without thinking, I ran to my brother's room and took his prescribed medication enough that would kill me. I sat down on his floor, realizing what I had done. It was over I'm going to die. I've committed suicide.

Even though I am only newly 15, I didn't have the sense to not take those pills. I went downstairs cautiously. While i was nervously playing with my bleach blonde hair when the pain entered my body once again. The pain traveled down to my knees causing irreparable pain. I let out a piercing scream that could make the elderly go deaf. I collapsed to the floor. Everything was fuzzy, I saw two mysterious figures coming towards me. Behind them was a shining light that's blinding to my eyes. The figures said, “ tell them.” That's when I thought it was all over.  My mother was in her office working on the computer. I turned to my mother shaking as an earthquake had just happened. I looked at her with a pale face that was almost the color of our walls. That's when it came out. Words came out of my mouth, I couldn't control it.

“I'm going to die,” I said cautiously.

“What?” my mom responded.

“I took Levi's pills,”  I explained

She began to cry a river, a big river.  I did not have the strength to go and hug her. She called my dad down and told him. He was shaking. My mother told me to get in the car the right way.  On the drive to the hospital, all i remember is that the bright lights in the streets until i arrived at the hospital that's when everything went dark. I woke up hours later with huge pain in my stomach, not knowing what happened. After a long conversation with my mother. My stomach got pumped and I lived for another day.

The author's comments:

My story about my teen suicide 

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