My Role Model | Teen Ink

My Role Model

May 24, 2019
By s941094 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
s941094 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Seeing her face full of tears and those shaking hands holding that small suitcase full of dreams and goals made me realize how brave my mother was. Saying bye to eveerything, she showed me how to be fearless. A law career, a family, and a life of thirty-nine years were left behind. She couldn't take those with her, but that didn't keep her from giving her kids the opportunities she didn't have. There was no place for fear in her luggage. When I think of a role model, it is my mom who comes to mind. I will never forget when senseless people tried to bribe her to lie for them in their trials and she refused. Necessity wasn't stronger than her principles and values, the same her mother transmitted to her and she transmitted to me. She taught me that nothing in life comes easy and that dreams aren't home. Sometimes they are on the other side of the world. She inspires me everyday to go and fight for my dreams just as she did a gate 422. The gate that changed our lives for ever.

The author's comments:

This peace describes my mother. A fearles woman who inspires me everyday.

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