My Struggle | Teen Ink

My Struggle

May 24, 2019
By Anonymous

I never really planned ahead. Never looked at the deadline and never worried about missing it. Never felt an initiative to catch up. And thus never did. This began to become a real problem in my life. I started missing sign up dates, my grades dropped, and even more distractions started to pour in. I had nothing to do on the weekends for everyone would be busy but me. Come summer I would go to one camp but that was about it. I could have done so much more than I did and now i’ve missed out.

I had always had good grades, As or Bs, over the years this started to slip and i got my first F in 8th grade. I managed to bring it up but waited until the last minute and almost missed my coming competition. After that happened I really tried to keep my grade up for the rest of the year. I wasn’t able to keep the habit though and next year it was back to that same routine

Distractions are common for me and it was sometimes very hard for me to do any work at all. At those times I would just sit in front of whatever I needed to do and accomplish nothing. Other time I would do something else instead and just put it off like it wasn’t there. And so I fell behind again. Spent hours making up work I had put off. Missing opportunities that I wanted to take. Places I wanted to see. Things I wanted to do. I had less and less free time. But still I put it off.

I’ve tried many things to combat this. Leaving notes, emails, rewards, punishments. The new habit still remains elusive to me. Looking for ways to remember has become a daily routine. As the end of the school year approaches and I finish up my classes. I look forward to the summer more and more. And when I start again next year the struggle continues. I might not be ready yet but i’ll sure try.

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