Summer Job | Teen Ink

Summer Job

May 24, 2019
By Anonymous

My first summer job was at Monsanto. Monsanto in a seed company that sells seeds to farmers, so they hire a bunch of people in the summer to pollinate and detassel corn. It was hard work and as much as I hated working there, I stuck through it and in the end it paid off. I am going to talk about how I got the job, working in the field, and when the job ended. The first point I am going to talk about is how I got the job.

When I was in eighth grade I went to the job fair for the first time. There was a bunch of companies there, but the one company that was paying the most was Monsanto. Me and a couple of friends went over there and talked to them for a while. It sounded like a good place to work and it didn’t seem like it was going to be that bad so we all signed up to work there. A couple of weeks later they sent me an application, so I filled out the application and mailed it to them. The next step was to go in for an interview. I was a little nervous because it was my first interview, but it went well and I got the job. Ever since I was a kid, I have always looked forward to having a summer job and when I got hired at Monsanto I was very excited. They told me I would start in July and I couldn’t wait to start working.

The first day of work came and the job was harder than I thought it would be. It was very hot that day and sweat was dripping down my face like raindrops falling from the sky. The pollen from the corn was sticking to me like glue. The leaves from the corn stalk brushed against my arms and made them itch like poison ivy. Finally, the first break came but the fifteen minutes went by way to fast and we went back out to the field until lunch break. When lunch break finally came it was very rewarding. I had finally made it through half of the day, but when lunch break was over we had to go back into the field and work some more. This continued until about five o'clock in the evening. At the end of the day I was sweaty, sunburned, itchy, and full of pollen. As soon as I got home I took a cold shower and I finally got to relax. This repeated 6 days out of the week for the whole month of July. I knew that if I wanted to make money I would need to continue to work. After the first week, I got used to it and it wasn’t that bad.

Finally, it was the last day of work! It was a usual day but nothing felt better than going home at the end of the day knowing I didn’t have to come back. It felt like the last day of school but it was August. Some of the older kids stayed and worked a little longer but football practice was starting up and I didn’t want to miss that. I was super excited when I got all my paychecks. Before I started working, I knew I was going to buy a dirtbike when I got the money. One day I saw a nice dirtbike on craigslist and me and my dad went to pick it up. It was in great condition and it was very fun to ride. When I was riding it I realized something. I wouldn’t have the dirtbike if I didn’t work that summer. Working at Monsanto was hard work but in the end, it paid off.

This was my experience of working at Monsanto for a summer job. I talked about how I got the job, working in the field, and when the job ended. It was hard work, but I learned that hard work pays off. Working may not be fun but it is very rewarding and I know that every summer I will have a job. If I wouldn’t have worked there I wouldn’t have a dirtbike or money. It is also more rewarding earning the money rather than having someone give it to me. If my parents would have bought my dirtbike it wouldn’t be the same feeling as me buying the dirtbike with my own money. Overall I am glad I worked at Monsanto and maybe I can get a bigger dirt bike this summer.

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